Inks and Scribbles

A visual identity system for a fictional stationery company, Inks & Scribbles.


This was a final project for Georgia Tech’s graduate course, Brand & Visual Design. As an avid lover of all things stationery, I decided to create a brand for the stationery store of my dreams.


Create a document that codifies the brand of a nonexistent company —what it stands for, what it looks like, how it behaves, and what it looks like in the world?

Project Duration

November 2020 - December 2020

What I did

Logo design, typography, color scheme, illustrated imagery, visual branding guide

What I learned

Creating typefaces in Illustrator builds character and patience! I spent over 15 hours perfecting the Ampersand + Pencil combination. Those slight curves are no joke. However, it was time well spent in Illustrator as I know nothing will be as tough as that logo.


Illustration (gouache, markers, pencil), Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign


Mapping 2020 Zine